Free Content is the Future of Marketing

I’m sure you’ve seen post after post with guides to monetize your content even when you have no followers. These claims that you can make six figures easy in your first year on social media, doing hardly anything has people emptying their wallets and telling others that they too can make hundreds of thousands of dollars if they sign up for this course or that.

If your inbox isn’t loaded with new offers for services from people you don’t know or trust, that is a feat in and of itself. Many people aren’t that lucky. They’ve been drawn in by low-price offers that promised them that they could change their situation with just a few clicks, only to find out that it was just the starting point for additional offers from the same person, making the same promise.

So, how do service providers make themselves stand out in a digital landscape where everyone is trying to funnel similar audiences from low-ticket to high-ticket offers?

Free. Content.

What is free content?

It’s just like it sounds - content that your audience doesn’t have to pay anything to view or gain information from. It’s simply something that you put out there to help people looking for what you have to offer.

It could be a comprehensive guide to your niche, a list of helpful tools, or even just advice that will help them get started.

What free content isn’t:

  • Content with the sole purpose of funneling people to a paid offer.

  • Content that is a partnership for a brand that you get a commission from that you don’t even use.

  • Content that claims that people can make a fortune knowing and doing nothing.

What is the goal of free content?

To bring knowledge, entertainment, motivation, or anything that will have a positive impact on your audience.

Think of it as ‘goodwill content’. You are offering them something without expecting anything in return.

This may sound counterintuitive since you ultimately want to make money, but those who want to work with you will, even after they view your free content.

This type of content builds trust, reputation, and authority in your niche which will allow for more opportunities in the future.

How do you start making free content?

  • Start small.

  • Focus on what you know about your niche.

  • Don’t make wild claims without proof.

  • Share your process.

  • Teach people how to do what you do or even what you’re learning about in the area you want to gain authority in.

Learning is part of the process, so why not show it?

It doesn’t matter if you decide to create a blog, make videos on social media, or use some other medium to make content, free content is a great way to build yourself and your brand. It can help you make valuable connections and interest more people in your product or service.

Free content won’t immediately boost attention to your brand (usually). Like anything, it takes time and patience but is a great long-term strategy that can help a lot of people.

If you find yourself needing help with your marketing, you can reach out and get a FREE Growth Session where we will discuss your current social media, your goals, and what your next steps might look like to increase your growth.


Your Audience ISN’T Everyone


Crafting Captivating Content: Keeping Your Audience From Scrolling on Social Media